Left Door Interlock Actuator (024E03250 for Repairing: 802K58260) Xerox® C123 families, WC5225 families and Phaser 5500 style
For Xerox® Models: (WorkCentre) WC-5230, 5230A, 5225, 5225A, 5222, WC-Pro133, Pro128, Pro123, M133, M128, M123, M118i, M118, (CopyCentre) C123, C128, C133, C118 and Phaser 5500, 5500B, 5500N, 5500DN, 5500DT, 5500DX, 5550N, 5550DN, 5550DT
Left Door Interlock Actuator - 024E03250 (For repairing 802K58260 Door)
This part was mysteriously left off of the parts book pages. We were lucky enough to be able to source it, so you don't have to buy the entire left door assembly. It pushes on the drum cartridge's shutter to make sure it opens properly. See photo #2 for the location of the part on the door.