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C123 Style Fuser Actuator Repair Kit Information - 2 Versions

For Xerox® Models: (WorkCentre) WC-5335, 5330, 5325,  WC-5230, 5230A, 5225, 5225A, 5222, WC-Pro133, Pro128, Pro123, M133, M128, M123, M118i, M118, (CopyCentre) C123, C128, C133, C118

C123 Style  - Fuser Exit Actuators - 2 versions - Information (for the following Families and Models):

Technical Specifications

Fuser Exit Actuator Repair Kit


There are two versions of the Fuser Exit Sensor Assemblies.  “Type A” is the old kind, and the newer, current version is “Type B” (C123FESA).  When a new assembly is replaced as-a-whole (including the metal bracket), it can replace either version of the assembly. 


The two versions of the Actuators are not interchangeable.  Our Exit Actuator Kit (C123FEARK) includes both versions of the actuator, so you’re covered either way. 


C123 Fuser Exit Actuator Repair Kit Photo #1


C123 Fuser Exit Actuator Repair Kit Photo #2


This kit also includes a plastic Ez-clip for Type B, to replace the tiniest metal e-clip you will ever see.  It would be frustrating to try to reinstall the original one, but this plastic one is a piece-of-cake to put on. 


The reason the Actuators fail is because the OEM plastic deforms from the heat of the fuser.  Our replacement actuator is made of better stuff… it won’t melt or deform. 


C123 Fuser Exit Actuator Repair Kit Photo #3


 C123 Fuser Exit Actuator Repair Kit Photo #4


Note that the Sensor is sold separately and is the same for either version of the assembly:

C123FES – Fuser Exit Sensor