Staple Cartridge Assembly for BR Finisher Booklet Maker. Fits many models: V180/V3100, C60/C9070, 7970/C8070, B8090, B9100, etc

OEM Part Number: 008R13177-R, 8R13177-R

Fits many models: V180, V280, V3100, V4100, 7970, C8070, B8045, B8055, B8065, B8075, B8090, B9100, B9110, B9125, B9136, C60, C70, J75, C75, C9065, C9070,  etc


Staple Cartridge for BR Finisher Booklet Maker  - 008R13177-R, 8R13177-R

OEM Cartridge Assembly refilled with 5000 OEM Staples - packed in a plain box. 


(Note: there are x2 of these in each finisher)

Caution: Always order staples by the Re-Order number and not by the copier model. Very often the same copier can take different staples depending on the finisher option and configuration


Here's a photo of this cartridge as it appears in a BR Fniisher (position R2 & R3):

Location of R2 & R3 Staple Cartridge in a BR Finisher

    Fuser Rebuilding Instructions