050K56620, 50K56620 Xerox® Staple Cartridge Unit & 5,000 staples, New OEM

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Valid OEM Part Number: 050K56620, 50K56620

fits SOME configurations of many models (LP / D2 versions of finishers) including: 

For Xerox® WC-7556, 7855, & C8070 Families: : (WorkCentre) 7525, 7530, 7535, 7545, and 7556 & (WorkCentre) 7830, 7835, 7845, 7855 and 7970, & AltaLink C8070, C8065, C8055, C8045, C8030, 

- Also fits DC250 style: (DocuColor) DC-240, 242, 250, 252, 260 (WorkCentre) WC-7655, 7665, 7675, 7755, 7765, 7775 & Xerox® Color 550, 560, 570, C60, C70, (Digital Color Press) DCP700, DCP700i, DCP770, C75, J75

- Also fits 4110 style: (WorkCentre) WC-4110, 4112, 4127, 4590, 4595, D95, D110, D125, D136

- and finally these also are found in finishers on the V80 style: (Versant®) V80, V180, V2100, V3100


For Staple Cartridge refills, see Part Number 008R13041

Xerox® OEM Staple Cartridge Unit (for Light Production / LP / D2 versions of the Finishers) 050K56620

(Includes 1 staple cartridge 008R13041 and the holder it sits in)